Models of IHI Automated Parking Systems (Japanese engineering ) – modern solution for high-traffic center area in big cities.
// Infromation about manufacturing
For many decades, IHI Group has been providing Automated Parking Systems manufactured by Ishikawajima Transport Machinery Co., Ltd. (IUK) who is the largest subsidiary company of IHI Corporation, Japan.
Automated Parking systems, based on IHI Technology, have won many prizes for improving Japanese cities infrastructure and solving the problem of parking places shortage.
AbavaTechnology as the official Sales Promoter of IHI Automated Parking Systems in Russia offers automatic parking systems at the best price. Installation of automatic parkings are lead under supervision of manufacturer’s technicians.
- A large amount of parking places can be installed on a small area, needed to erect automatic parking system.
- Vehicle can be rotated automatically by the robotic system on the entrance of the parking for convenience of the driver, who doesn’t need to make maneuvers in a limited area
Elevator-type parking and Carousel-type Tower Parking

Carousel parking allows the usage of all inner size of the building to create car places.
IHI Tower parking produces noise from the robotic mechanical drives, so it must be installed in an isolated part of the building or stand-alone constructure.
Pallets (car places) of the elevator-type and carousel-type-tower parking are designed for different sizes of the vehicles (N, G, HR). In one tower parking system different slots may be implemented.
Multilevel parking (2, 3 and 4 level parking systems)

IHI Multilevel Parking Systems include car pallets that can be moved through the structure of the parking. This feature allows to load the parking totally with cars, leaving only one free slot for the system operating. Pallets move through the system automatically, forwarding the vehicle to the driver on the ground level.
IHI Multilevel parking systems allows creating 2, 3 or 4 time more car places comparing to common parking on the same area inside the building or underground.
Multilevel parking is especially useful inside the existent buildings where there is a lack of free car places.
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