AbavaTechnology – direct supplier and installer of automatic revolving (carousel) doors of European manufacture: DiTec (Italy), Gunnebo (Sweden); and of airlock rotating doors Saima Sicurezza (Italy) and Tonali (Italy) with built-in metal detector; of full-height rotating turnstiles for stadiums.
All the revolving doors are of best design and reliable mechanical drives. The finishing of visible parts is made of stainless steel. Carousel-type doors – best decision to construct thermostable entrance of a building with high traffic capacity and with access control function.
Full-height turnstiles and revolving doors are put to multiple tests and quality-control procedures. These devices are equipped with sensors to prevent hit of the visitor and are fully compatible with all access control systems. Revolving doors may work in different modes: permanent rotating, rotating on-demand (under access control system control), and manual mode without automatic drive.
Revolving doors are made of safety glass. Door leafs come together to the axis of the construction. Axis of a revolving door may be produced in a glass cylindrical shape. Leafs of the door and cylindrical axis may contain decorative flower installations or monitors with advertising or entertaining video.
Body of a revolving door covered with stainless steel perfectly blends with the design of modern business-centres. Hotels may need revolving door body with golden anodization. AbavaTechnology provides elongated warranty on all types of anodization and stainless steel covers. Also, the body of carousel-type door may be produced in any colour according to customer wishes.
Revolving doors of large dimensions and of individual request are installed under control of the manufacturer. Quality and installation control guarantee long heavy duty life of revolving door.
Design of rotating door
- RAL scale colour
- Anodization (silver, gold, black electric, etc)
- Stainless steel cover
- Decorative glass (toned, mat, mirror etc)
- Installations: flowers, video-monitors
- Hotels
- Stadiums
- Supermarkets
- Entertaining and business centres
- Banks
- Airports and train stations
- Medical centres
- Museums, theatres
Installation of revolving doors
Installation and set-up of the rotating doors may be done as by the forces of AbavaTechnology, as by the forces of the customer. Installation supervision in the second case is available. AbavaTechnology is able to do all the comoving works with installation of revolving doors: finishing works, access control system installation and set-up, etc.
Warranty and service-center
AbavaTechnology is making service in warranty and postwarranty cases for all the supplied revolving doors. Warranty period may be elongated to 36 months in case of using the equipment according to guidance and regular maintenance operations.
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